An essential fishing skill most people learn is how to tie two fishing lines together. Understand that it does not matter if you are an expert angler or a beginner; you should know how to tie a fishing line. When you properly tie two fishing knots together, you will have an easier time keep fishing from on a kayak.
But you must understand that the type of fishing you practice will determine the result you get. So let’s look at how to tie two fishing lines together without much ado.
Tying two fishing lines
Irrespective of whether you prefer tying the leader to a mainline or just connecting two different lines with different diameters, you must understand that there are lots of fishing knot options you can choose from before you get in your boat to fish.
Among these fishing knots is the surgeon’s very strong knot. However, there is also the double knot that some anglers claim is stronger than the surgeon’s knot.
However, in learning how to tie two fishing lines together of different diameters, the options you can try are:
The surgeon’s knot
When seeking a fantastic way to tie your fishing line of different diameters, this fishing knot option is simple and regarded as a very strong knot. But, more so, it helps connect the fly line to your backing when fly fishing.
Most anglers use it to connect their mainline to the leader. If you are tying this knot, you can start by threading the line through the eye of your hook.
After doing this, proceed to make five wraps around the standing line, then thread the line’s end through the initial loop you made. When done, moisten your knot before pulling on the two lines to get them tight.
Another way to tie the surgeon’s knot is to bring your main line from the left while the other line to be attached comes from your right-hand side. Then ensure they overlap by several inches, roughly six inches.
Making them overlap by several inches will aid in creating a loop for the two lines at the point where they overlap.
By your right side, grab the overlapping lines and curl them to create the loop. You are to secure the base of this loop between your left hand’s thumb and index fingers.
Then in your right hand, take the short and long ends of the line and pass them through your already-formed loop. The same should be done a second time to get the desired result.
To complete the surgeon’s knot, subtly pull the two pieces of line, not just one line, on both sides, so the loop will get smaller.
You can do this by pinching the two ends on the left-hand side between your fingers on the left hand and the two ends on your right-hand side between the fingers on that hand.
From here, pull all the lines at once to cinch your knot closed. Then you are to lubricate your knot before pulling the knot tight.
If you want to secure it further, pull on the individual lines coming from your knot, and keep in mind that the knot’s strength will only be good if it is fully tight.
You can create a loop with the two lines by grabbing both on the right side. Doing this will curl the lines into a loop when you pass or cross it back over the top of the lines running parallel.
You will get to overlap the loop with two parallel lines so they can tie a double overhand knot. The Double overhand knot is a simple overhand knot and is the most basic knot that every angler knows.
Interestingly, you can slide the ends of your loop underneath the parallel lines before pulling them up through your loop to begin tying the double overhand knot. But if you barely have enough slack to get the overhand knot tied, you can restart, thus making a larger loop.
You can decide to trim the tag ends or loose ends near the surgeon’s knot, as it will be a nice place to leave the length of the line if you want to attach a fly on the dropper rig.
The double uni knot
One thing to note about the double uni knot is that it is prevalent among anglers who fish in fresh and saltwater. This knot joins different lines or similar lines of diverse strengths.
So when learning how to tie two fishing lines together, this is a good knot that will help as you can begin by placing the lines you want to tie side by side and then overlap them. Then, take one end of the line from your left side and double it back.
You will be doubling it back to make roughly four to five wraps around the two lines so that a loop will form. Then proceed to pull on its tag ends to tighten it.
Although you will have to repeat this process with the line’s end. Do it by wrapping it around the lines about four to five times. But if you use a braided line, you can secure it by doubling the number of knots.
While you have the loop around the two lines, you will have to wrap the end of the looped lines. This should be done roughly six times, and as you wrap it, the loop should be a bit loose.
Understand that the end user tying the double uni knot is called the tag end. Your knot should be closed; you must firmly pull on the tag end to do this.
Note that this tag end is used in tying the uni knot, and you will need to grab and pull it very firmly until the two knots are closed. At this point, you will have a tightly formed spring with six stacked coils.
The process will need to be repeated if you want to tie the end of other fishing lines. Now, you can form a uni knot circle with the loose end of your overlapped line. Then, you can tie the second uni knot before pulling the other tag end of the line.
You will need two tight uni knots with some gaps between them. Note that the long parts you did not use are known as the standing ends. The two standing ends will have to be grabbed and pulled away from each other.
This will be done so that the two uni knots can come close to one another to form one double uni knot. Then, you can use a scissor or line cutter to eliminate any excess fishing line from each knot.
Ensure you tightly pull the knots before cutting off their tag ends. Then, the excess standing lines in the uni knot can be cut off from each uni knot circle.
The Albright knot
When you want to fish and need to tie two fishing lines together, a reliable knot you can use is the Albright knot. It is one of the popular knots you can use when you want to tie the backing line with a fly line, but it isn’t proving easy.
This knot works by making the first loop with one of the ends of the fishing lines or the leader. You must complete this loop by folding the leader backward and passing the main line through it.
Note that the main line end will go through this loop, thus leaving the thinner fishing line.
The tip of the line will have to slide beneath your loop, and you have to wrap it around the looped lines. This should be done for every strand of line, and keep doing it until you have made not just one wrap but up to ten wraps.
At this point, the end of the wrapped fishing line will have to go back. So, you will need to pass it through the loop. Understand that it has to run parallel with itself, and after you are done pulling it through another side, you have to hold the two tag ends and grab the standing line.
Then begin to close the knot using light pressure on the tag and standing areas of the main line and the tag of your leader. While the line tightens, you are to drop the tag of the leader and that of the main line before pulling it.
You are to pull it very tight with the pressure of the line going against the leader and trim very closely.
Understand that the Albright knot is useful when tying a fifteen-pound test fishing line on your rig to the twenty-pound test line you have on the reel spool.
The blood knot
Another basic knot to know when learning how to tie two fishing lines together is the blood knot.
As a back-to-back clinch knot, it is mainly used for joining parts of a monofilament line of the same weight or size while simultaneously maintaining a heightened portion of the fishing line’s strength.
If the other joining knots are used for this particular purpose, there will be a loss of strength. However, the drawback to this knot is the skill needed to pass and get it tied.
When it comes to fly fishing, the blood knot builds a leader of decreasing diameter with a cast fly line attached at the big diameter end while the hook or fly is attached at the small diameter end.
You can tie the blood knot by overlapping the two lines and placing them together with the working ends in opposite directions.
The first line should be wrapped around the other line roughly five times before you can take the tag end back toward the center to tuck it between the lines.
Note that this process will have to be repeated on the other side, thus wrapping your second line around the first line, bringing the tag end back to the middle, and getting it tucked between the lines.
Now, the two tag ends are in the center and facing opposite directions. Next, you are to moisten the lines and tighten your wraps by pulling the long ends of the fishing line.
The working end of the second line should be wrapped around the first line about five times before inserting the tag end through the gap underneath.
The Palomar knot
People have argued that the Palomar knot is very strong, if not the strongest, to tie compared to others. And this is because of its double-line usage to maintain high breaking strength.
It is easy to tie because it is versatile and used for monofilament and braided lines. In connecting the Palomar knot, even in the braided line, you need to take the tag end of the fishing line and then double it back a good length.
You are to thread the entire double fishing line through the eye of your hook before asking for an overhand knot. Your hook will be threaded through the initial loop at the end while the entire knot is pulled to complete the Palomar knot.
Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)
Which is the best know to tie two fishing lines together?
The blood knot, also known as the barrel knot, is a strong and dependable line-joining fishing knot. It works well when connecting two lines of nearly equal diameter, such as monofilament nylon sections.
Do I need to soak braided lines before spooling them?
Braid, unlike mono, does not require soaking before spooling up. The but part of the rod’s eye is where you should thread your braid. Make sure your spool is as far forward as possible. Make a slip loop knot in your braid.
Is there a knot to tie two braided lines together?
Because the line is doubled over and threaded through the hook’s eye, the Palomar knot is frequently regarded as the best terminal knot to use with a braided line.
Should I tie braided lines together?
Tying to braided lines with a knot is mainly to splice them back to a 100 yards or more brand. This is done when re-spooling, and it saves money and time.
If you have been seeking how to tie two fishing lines together, we have provided you with all you need to know in this article. These different knots are highly reliable when you prepare to fish.